Thursday, August 28, 2014

Google Search-by-Image Tech Tips

Hearst Castle
Neptune Pool
Here is more information about the Hearst Castle

D2L Profile Tech Tip

This is the same picture that I use for google and linkedin. It is the most recent and professional looking picture that I could fine. I think that I look nice, especially since it was a formal event, instead of the selfies and goofy ones I have with friends. Also, the majority of my pictures are of me with other people (whom you just can't seem to crop out) and this really was the only picture that (1) was not a selfie, (2) was somewhat professional looking, and (3) was easy for me to crop the other person out so it was a picture of just me. Enjoy :)

OU Email Tech Tip

I have already been using folders within my OU email: Random information, extra curricular, class important, and internships. If I email a teacher a lot (such as for this class) I generally put all the emails in that folder along with the random bits of other important information I get in other classes.

All of my emails go directly the the mail app on my MacBook, and I have my OU email and my Gmail set up to my phone, since those are where I generally have important emails sent to.

I have several different emails: one for school, one for work and other important information, and one for random junk (i.e.,shopping: purchase notifications, twitter, amazon, clothing). So it keeps things organized already, and then I added folders to my OU email to further organize all of the information from outside organizations, classes, activities on campus, and work/internships. Organization is very important.

Cheezburger Tech Tip

Dino Dog!!

Meme Generator Tech Tip

Well I made a meme but it will not let me open it! So here is the link to my meme titled "For the Ladies"

Well since my original couldn't be seen, I attempted to make a duplicate. So here it is.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Essay Week 2: Mark All-Knowing

I absolutely loved reading the Gospel of Mark. Virtually everyone knows about the story of Jesus, one way or another, and it was refreshing to read about it. I am not quiet sure what exactly it is that I am interested in as far as over arching themes.  It might be possible that I am interesting in tormented people or the flaw in mankind. I have always enjoyed reading stories about man’s imperfections, and Mark really reflects that concept (from time to time).

I found it humorous when the disciples doubted Jesus even after they watched him perform miracle after miracle. Their continuous questioning of him (and ultimate ear slaughter and betrayal) further demonstrated how flawed man is. One of my favorites was when Jesus told Peter “before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times.” Well of course Peter said that it would never happen and it inevitably did.  Man’s inhumanity to man and the imperfection of mankind are probably the two themes that probably grab my attention and interest the most.

There was also the part when Jesus is on the hill praying before his crucifixion. Something about how he fell down and asked for the hour to pass so he would not have to be crucified, really grabbed my attention. It is the torment that we, as people, have to endure from within ourselves that grabs my attention. It is not the physical torment that go through, but the mental and emotional one that appeals to my senses. The fact that people are wanting to escape the hell that they are forced to endure, and how their hell preys upon them and against them. But it is through our hell that we learn who we are.   Let's call it a morbid curiosity.

Lights at the End
Wikipedia Commons

It is worth noting that the King James version is the most difficult version of the Bible to read. Since it is in old English, many of the words were difficult to decipher, and some adverbs and proper nouns (i.e., the) were not present from time to time. As much as I doth loveth ye olde style of speaking, I think I would much rather read stories that are not so Shakespearian. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Week 2 Reading Diary: Gospel of Mark

For this week I have chosen the Gospel of Mark to read.

The Gospel of Mark has so many different stories but focuses on the life of Jesus. It follows the life of Jesus as the Messiah, as well as his miracles and his twelve disciples.

Jesus performed many miracles healing the sick, the blind, the injured, and expelling demons from tormented people. He fed many using very little, performed miracles in every chapter, and was then betrayed and hung on a cross to die.

John the Baptist was also a character in this gospel. Many people believe that Jesus was the resurrection  of John the Baptist, who had previously been killed. John the Baptist was actually Jesus' cousin and was also the one who baptized Jesus.

John the Baptist
Stained Glass Window 

Betrayal and doubt were both common themes. Jesus continuously mentioned that he was going to be betrayed by someone he knew, by one of his disciples. Doubt was present even after people watch him perform miracles. It continued to reoccur, they would doubt him and then he would question why they doubted him.

I heard the majority of these stories growing up, but the one that I had never hear, and that stood out to me, was the story of the pigs, or swine. It was such a random story of a demon possessing someone and then Jesus casting them into a large group of pigs, just to have the pigs commit suicide in the nearby body of water. I assume that it is demonstrating the power of Jesus Christ and how the demons were so terrified of him that the only way they could cope was to die.

What I found interesting was this concept of misery. Even Jesus, who knew he was sent to Earth by his father to be crucified for all of man kind, appeared to be miserable. The continuous doubt appeared to wear on him, and as I read his eyes began to sadden more and more in my mind. Even near the end he is pleading to God to not make him suffer. The pain of being an "angel" forced to live upon Earth was pain enough for him. While Jesus is the son of God and perfect, I can only imagine that it would have been frustrating to have people throw themselves at you just because the could heal you, and to never believe you or listen to you even after they have seen what you are capable of with their own eyes. To be the only perfect person in an imperfect world must have been frustrating.

The parables in the Gospel of Mark are worth mentioning. Jesus uses these parables as an attempt to teach us. Mark his two parables, the most famous of which is the parable of the sower. It is a parable that teaches us that we must grow Gods word in good soil. Jesus gives the example of three different types of soil and ends with the "good soil," saying that you will produce the most if Gods word is produced in good soil. The soil is a metaphor for ones faith in God.
Here is another link to all of the parables in Mark.

Seed Sower
University of Oklahoma College of Medicine

One of the things I love about Biblical stories is that they are all about flawed people, just like the people now. History is always repeating itself and this is a perfect example of how we, as people, are continuously flawed.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Week 1 Famous Last Words

There was once a time when I was a fairly talented writer. I used to write stories about monsters and crazy adventures. There was insight, depth, and voice. Unfortunately, my moderately good writing skills have disappeared since I began college.  All of my writing these days consists of logical assessments and arguments; everything is about something serious and only gives the facts. So as much as I try to be creative with my writing, my creativity has left me.
            This week I did try some creative writing on my own. I am not quite sure if it was a success or not, though. I know that for next week I am going to try adding more details to my stories. It is the details that really brings the story to life and give meaning to the story, which is something I seem to have trouble with. You see, I feel as though I am trapped inside of a box – think cardboard – and some influence in my life (society, peers, culture, subconscious, whatever) is telling me that I am not allowed to climb out of the box and into the gargantuan creativity ocean that surrounds it.
            I most certainly read excellent writings by my fellow classmates. It is all about those details and escaping that box. The frequent amounts of detail, and little deviation from the original story, are things that I am definitely going to try and apply to my writings in the future.
            All of my classes have this one crazy connection… they all want me to read a sufficient amount. One of my other professors actually believes his class on emotions (which he has yet to talk about) is going to change the world. If any of us could figure out what he is talking about, and if he could follow one solid train of thought, it might be able to improve upon certain aspects of life.  He also treats his class like it’s the center of the universe and that no other class exists. As if all of his students are only taking his class, and his class alone. Other than my Nutty Professor, all of my other classes are excellent (including this one).
            As much as I would love to tell all of you about my very thrilling personal life (sarcasm intended), I believe that I will keep that a secret… at least or now.  Ta Ta for now!

Wikipedia Commons

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Week 1 Introduction: It's Jess!!

It seems as though every time I introduce myself to people they quote the theme song from TV show "New Girl," so for all intense in purposes I am Jess.

Well I am now into my senior year at OU and will be graduating May 2015. I am a Communication major and I am from Houston, Texas. What else is there really? I could tell you about my not so great summer internship or what my favorite color is (it’s blue, by the way) or I could tell you more about who I actually am and the things I want to accomplish.

I am a person who likes to make lists, whether it is of the groceries I need, the reading and assignments I have to do, the places I want to eat, or the places I want to see before I kick the bucket (or graduate). So here I have decided to tell you some of my lists.

Travel. It has always been my dream, nay goal, to travel all around the world. I always said that I want to go to at least every continent, and yes that includes Antarctica. But there are so many other countries I want to visit than just one per continent, so here is my list of countries I would like to one day visit: Canada, Peru, Russia, Italy (again), Greece, Spain, England, Germany, Ireland, France, Egypt, Israel, Japan, South Africa, Brazil, Antarctica, Australia, Costa Rica, and New Zealand.

Music. I love almost every type of music out there, all except for screamo. I like my traditional hip-hops and pops, as well as my Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin classics. Queen, Billy Joel, and Led Zeppelin are all great too. I even love classical music by Bach and Beethoven. However, several of my friends say that I have a very unique type of music as well, so here is my list of great bands/artists that are not up there with the rest: High Highs, Youngblood Hawke, Iron and Wine, Marble Sounds, Noah and the Whale, Fiest, Middle East, Freelance Whales, Bahamas, The Lumineers, Great Lake Swimmers, The Perishers, Two Door Cinema Club, The Civil Wars, and The Weepies.

That’s just a little bit about me. I’m funny and smart but I don’t always fit into the conventional box of what one would think based on their first appearance of me. I am who I am, and I is who I is.

Shel Silverstein Poem
InflatableHeart on Tumblr

Week 1 Storybook Favorites: Which Grab My Attention

The Storybooks that really grabbed my attention were the ones that gave a modern twist on these stories. They incorporated what real people do or watch in today's world - therapy, diaries, television.

Cases of Petunia Tabernacle. This was the first that really grabbed my attention and made me smile. I actually laughed in class because the idea was so ridiculously hilarious that it was perfect! This storybook is a therapists discussing her cases on her patient's. Now I was reluctant to look at this storybook at first because I was very unsure what it was about because the title was a little obscure. I might have named is "Case Files of" or "Patient's of" or something that made it sound more like she was discussing her patients. The introduction was fantastic and it really explained a lot. It was because of the introduction that I was able to figure out what was meant by the title. I thought the layout was pretty well designed as well. Simple but the pictures and the writing make it stand out.

The Prince Diaries. This idea was great. I liked the idea of doing it from the princes' perspective because every princess story and rom-com is from the perspective of the girl, which gives us girls poor insight into what the guys are actually thinking. The introduction was fantastic. Very well written and gave a lot of information and insight. The design for this storybook was a little dark and boring. They really could have done a lot more with it to make it pop, but it was just dark contrasted colors. I think I would have done a layered formate and have the bottom layer some sort of tree or forrest patter to give it a three dimensional effect.

E! True Hollywood Story: Women of the Bible. This is fantastic! The idea is great because the E! True Hollywood Stories give so much depth and detail and are romanticized and dramatic versions of the persons life. It's a fun twist on the hardships of the women in the Bible that gives it a little bit of humor. The design of the storybook could have a bit more glamour to it though. Hollywood is very glamour and dramatic and I feel as though that's the way the Storybook should be set up as well.

Going through all of the Storybooks was a lot to digest but really got my brain turning. So here are my ideas for what I am thinking for my Storybook: pen pal, Aesob zoo, Reality TV series account from some of the characters (like the video logs people make on MTV shows), reality Tv show log from each person every few days, account from a friend or family member, stalkers perspective,

Monday, August 18, 2014

Week 1 Un-Textbook: My Choices

These were all the choices that stood out most to me as I went through the Un-Textbook list. Weeks 11-14 are the largest groups I have chosen from. They are filled with the storied I have heard as a child.

Gospel of Mark.
The book of Mark has always been a good once since it covers many of the stages of Jesus' life. Since Mark was one of Jesus' followers, it gives an in depth approach to Jesus' life
Bible Women.
I rather like this one because it is about all of the strong women in the bible. The women who were not necessarily perfect but stood up for what they believed in,  even if there was a possibility of horrible consequences.  
Brer Rabbit
These were stories I heard growing up. It is also a Disney movie that is banned in the US called Song of the South. It is a great story with a great lesson in the end. 
Marriage Tales
This might be the tales I am most excited about. Coming from a large family, women sitting around talking about their marriages and the dumb things that happen is very common. Then they tell me for a warning. I already enjoy these. 
Grimm (Ashliman), Grimm (Crane), Grimm (Hunt)
I am going to group all of the Grimm stories together because they are just that great. As much as I love the Disney version of all these stories, I think the Brother's Grimm version give a more gruesome and grotesque take on life. 
Russian Folktales
I once read a book that was Russian fairy tale by Orson Scott Card and it was fantastic. These seem to be very very similar. 

This is a list of all the groupings that I am wanting to read. I have included it in this list because there were too many that caught my eye that I could not choose a few. I have also included it for my use, so I can refer to it later.

Weeks 2 and 3
Gospel of Mark. 
Bible Women.
Jewish Fairy Tales

Weeks 4 and 5
Ancient Egypt
Turkish Fairy Tales
Arabian Nights
Persian Fairy Tales
Indian Fairy Tales

Weeks 6 and 7
Chinese Fairy Tales
Nigerian Folktales
Brer Rabbit
More Brer Rabbit

Weeks 9 and 10
Marriage Tales
Tejas Stories
Eskimo Folktales

Weeks 11 and 12
Nursery Rhymes
More English Fairy Tales
More Celtic Fairy Tales
Welsh Tales (Emerson)

Weeks 13 and 14
Grimm (Ashliman)
Grimm (Crane)
Grimm (Hunt)
Fairy Tales 1 (Lang)
Italian Fairy Tales
Russian Folktales

Week 1 Storytelling: The Princess and the Pathway

The Princess and the Pathway

There once was a Princess who never left her castle. When she was very young her father, the King, told her that she should never leave the castle and made sure that she never did. Although she questioned the Kings warnings, the Princess never need to leave the castle because her father always provided her with toys, candy, and entertainment. She had everything her heart desired, except for seeing what lied beyond the castles walls.

One day, as she was prancing around the castle, she heard a noise coming from outside one of the windows and realized that it was children giggling. The Princess, intrigued by the overwhelming laughter, decided to climb out the window and onto a nearby breach so as to see what was causing all the giggling. As the Princess crawled along the tree branch she saw a group of children her age huddled in a circle, but she still could not see what had caused such loud laughter. So she decided to climb down the tree to the ground below so as to get a better look.

Now the Princess realized that she was outside of the castle walls and became wide eyed by this when she finally reached the ground. As she began to walk over toward the group, the children suddenly became aware of her nearing presence and gazed at the Princess in awe.

“Oh Wow!” exclaimed one of the children, “the Princess!”

“She’s the prettiest girl in all the land!” said another.

“But of course I ---“ began the Princess.

But because of her fixation the Princess was unaware she was standing in the middle of a pathway where a fast moving merchant in a cart was headed toward her. She was quickly hit by the cart, causing her to suffer a sever head injury and never to be the same Princess again.

Young/Adult Disney Princess
by jesuslover22 

Author's Note.
"The Tortoise and the Ducks" is about a Tortoise who wants to see all the world like all of the other animals but is not able to because his house in on his back and because he is slow and cannot move far. He told two Ducks about his problems and the Ducks told him that they could show him the world if he held onto a stick with his mouth while they held onto either end with theirs. They warned him that he should not move his mouth, but when he was complimented by a Crow the Tortoises vanity got the best of him and he opened his mouth causing him to fall to his death.

Story: "The Tortoise and the Ducks"
Author: Aesop
Book: The Aesop for Children, with pictures by Milo Winter
Year Published: 2006
Web Source: The Project Gutenberg EBook 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

YouTube Tech Tip

Late Night with Jimmy Fallon - Hashtags: #MomTexts
This cracks me up every time! I hope you enjoy. C.L.A.H

Week 1: Oh the Places... My Favorite Places

A favorite place is generally somewhere that has meaning to you. It calls you, pulls you in. It is because of this very reason that I have chosen two locations.

New Orleans, Louisiana. While the majority of people think of loose morals, partying, and football, New Orleans brings a whole other meaning to me. Nola (as the locals call it) is my second home. It's the center of all my family gatherings, and why shouldn't it be? Nola is gorgeous! It's the place of a million stories and a million places to see.

New Orleans French Quarter Architecture
Wikipedia Commons
You could live in New Orleans all your life and still never see everything. But the food is definitely a can't miss if you do go to visit. 
The Gumbo Shop

Texas. While my home is Houston, I am 100% Texan. My family has been living in Texas for centuries and I am blessed to be the fifth generation of that lineage. Texas has it all! From the plains in Dallas, to the marshes in Houston, down to the beaches in South Padre, the mountains in Alpine, and the deserts in Big Bend. There's nothing else like this great state, why else would so many people put their nationality as Texan on their census?

Texas State Flag
Wikipedia Commons


Test Blog

Well I guess that this is my test blog for class. Never knew that you could blog on google! Nervous about this class but I think it will be pretty great! Good luck!