Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Week 5 Famous Last Words

What I found especially interesting about this weeks reading was the story of The Talkative Tortoise because it was almost exactly the same story that I did my Week 1 Storytelling over. It was the same story about a turtle holding on to the middle of a stick with its mouth while two ducks held either end of the stick, they then flew up in the air where the turtle then opened his mouth to talk causing him to fall to his death. There were so many stories I enjoyed in this past week's writings. It just makes the week so much fun that all the stories were great. This is probably why I am so excited about the upcoming week because I get to read the stories that one of my favorite movies growing up was about – Brer Rabbit. Who can forget the Magic Kingdom water ride “Splash Mountain” where you ride around in a log and then go down a gigantic drop into the brer patch? If that doesn’t sound familiar, how about zip-a-dee-doo-dah. Sound familiar yet? It should be a good week to come indeed. 

Every week I talk about how stressful classes are and how it is difficult to keep up with all of the readings for all of the classes - but not this week. I have been busting my gluteus maximus off this past week and weekend to get a head of the game (especially so for mythology and folklore) so that I do not fall behind in any classes. I do wish more of my classes were arranged and run like this one. With relevant and interesting readings and assignments that are important but not necessarily looking for an exact, one hundred percent perfect answer. It gives creativity a chance, which many classes try to take away. So getting a head of my classes is the goal for these next few weeks, either by doing half of the assignments the week before or all of the assignments. 

Magic Kingdom: Splash Mountain
Wikipedia Commons

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