Thursday, October 2, 2014

Week 5 Storytelling: Madhavi's Memoir

Hi. I’m Madhavi, and this is my story…

Growing up I was one of eight, and the only girl for that matter. As my brothers and I got older, we decided it would be best if we all stayed in the same large house on our farm. Every day my brothers would tend to the fields, while I would get water from the nearby stream and then cook them dinner. I loved cooking dinner for my brothers! It was my little way of saying thank you for all their hard work and taking care of me. Unfortunately, my sisters-in-law did not quite seem to understand that. You see all seven of my brothers decided to marry, probably so that they could expand our family, but I am convinced that they married the seven most horrible women alive! I’m not really sure what these women’s problems were, I mean it’s not like I wasn’t cooking dinner for them too, but for some reason they were just extremely jealous of the fact that I cooked dinner every nights and they didn’t. So you know what those psychos did? They made a deal with a magical nature spirit called a Bonga, essentially selling me to him if he got rid of me! Well, at the time I was unaware of this plot, so I went out to the stream to get water for the boys like I normally do when suddenly the pitcher would not go in the water and the water began to swirl around me getting higher and higher! I screamed out to my brothers for help but none of them heard me, none of them came. I could feel myself drowning. The pitcher began to fill with water causing me to sink to the bottom,  drown and die. Suddenly I was alive again, only I was not all me. I had been transformed into a Bonga. And when I opened my eyes, there, before me, was the Bonga my sisters-in-law had promised me to, and he carried me away. Let me tell you something about this Bonga, he’s kind of a weird guy!

Well, I managed to escape that relationship by turning myself into bamboo. I thought all was good, I had peace and quiet, I was by that beautiful stream I died in; life was good. That is, until this Yogi decided to come on over, chop me down, and turn me into a fiddle. I mean who does he think he is! And then he wants me to make music to entertain people so that he could get paid! What was I getting out of it, you ask? Nothing, absolutely nothing. So I decided that I would make my music the best, and saddest, of all so that maybe I could escape this Yogi. As luck would have it, this Yogi guy decided to play me for the village chief who took me away from the Yogi, thank goodness! Well, this chief gave me to his son, and I was so delighted that I was in better hands that I produced wonderfully happy music every time I was played. During the day everyone would depart my new home, leaving me alone and bored. So I, as the Bonga girl, would come out of the fiddle every day, cook dinner for the family, eat my fair share, take a plate for the chief’s son to his room, and then re-enter my fiddle. Then one day I’m heading back to my fiddle prison, just minding my own business, when suddenly someone was grabbing me! I began screaming, that is until I realized that it was the chief’s son. Still holding onto me, he looked me in the eyes and told me that I was "the one." I guess I did something that impressed him...  and he didn’t even realize that I was human AND Bonga until his family come home and got all worked up about it. Like it’s some big deal or something.

So time went on, as it always does, and my old family, pre-drowning, decided to come visit the chief. I was so excited when I saw my seven brothers, but those stupid boys did not even recognize me, can you believe it!? I shook it off and decided to bring them some water and cook them dinner like I used to, hoping that maybe it would jog their memory or something: it didn’t. So I sat down next to them and began pouring my heart out to them, telling my brothers about the horrible treatment I was subjected to by their wives. I told them about every horrible thing that had happened to me since their wives made that evil plot with the Bonga. My brothers just looked at me, blank stares on their faces. That’s when I extracted my revenge! I looked at those seven boys dead in the eyes and said, “You must have know it all, and yet you did not interfere to save me.” Well, you should have seen the look on their faces! Shock, sadness, shame, and guilt all together! It was priceless.

I am telling you this not because it is a happy story, but because it is the true story. And I want my story to be known.
Author's Note. This retelling is based off the story The Magic Fiddle. In the original story the sister (the Bonga girl) is betrayed by her sisters-in-law, made into a Bonga, then becomes bamboo and is turned into a fiddle. She seeks her revenge on her brothers by telling them that they must have known about their wive's plot against her. The woman originally did not have a name in the story, so I named her Madhavi. I wrote the retelling as if it were her memoir, her last words before the great beyond. By doing this I could further add emotions to the story. I felt as though writing it from Madhavi’s perspective gave a funny twist on an otherwise depressing story. Using verbal echoes from the original story is something I enjoy doing because it allows you to essentially keep a piece of the story within yours, making things more familiar to someone who has read it and easier for someone to follow if they have not. My verbal echo was the quote I used at the end of the last paragraph. It is an important part of the original story since it is the climax to when she exacts her revenge. But her revenge is not about betrayal or necessarily physical revenge, it is more revenge upon the soul. The massive amount of shame and guilt thrust upon her brothers in one single sentence was enough to torture them for a lifetime.

Bibliography. Indian Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs with illustrations by John D. Batten (1912).


  1. I really enjoyed reading your story! I read that same folktale and I liked how you wrote it from the girl's point of view. In the original we really didn't get to hear a lot about her or what she thought, so it was nice to see what it would have been like to be subject to what happened to her. You used a lot of good detail and followed the main theme so I knew which story it was. Thanks for sharing!

  2. You did a great job on this. I liked that it was from Martha's point of view. I think it gave the story a lot of life and made it more interesting. I also like the idea that this is at the very end before she moves on, and she is wanting others to know what happened and what she went through. I enjoyed this a lot!

  3. Hello, I thought that this was the most creative story I have ever read! I thought it was amazing how you told the story. I have some questions. Did Martha die and then come back as a Bonga? Or was she saved from drowning? That part confused me some. I thought that it was sad when the brothers acted like their own sister didn't exist anymore. It was like they planned everything from the beginning. It seems like she was not to upset about it though. She keeps a good attitude throughout the whole story.

    1. I'm fairy certain that in the original story she died and then was transformed and came back to life as a Bonga.

  4. I thought the tale was very interesting, and after reading the Author’s note I appreciated it even more. I love how you mention the revenge the sister seeks on her brothers is not a physical one, but a “revenge on the soul.” She attacks their character and morality by accusing them of knowing of their wives’ wicked plan. I think it would be good if you incorporated the phrase “revenge on their souls” into the story maybe at the end. Although you called it a memoir, I did not get the feeling it was a memoir. It just seemed more like a story about one specific thing her life rather than a retelling of her accomplishments and struggles and every aspect of her life. Overall, I think you did a great job adding emotion to the story and telling it from her view.

    I found some simple grammatical errors in the story I thought I would help point out. The first one I noticed was in the first paragraph and the sentence reads “that I cooked dinner every nights and they didn’t.” The nights should be night. A few sentences down there seems to be a run on that needs a break or a comma “get water for the boys like I normally do when suddenly the…” I believe there should be a comma after the word do and before when. There should be a semicolon instead of a comma in the next sentence “none of them heard me, none of them came” because they are complete thoughts and a comma just makes it a run on. These are just some of the small errors I noticed but you might want to proofread the story again.

  5. The beginning of the story makes me wonder why the siblings decided it would be best if they all stayed in the same house. What were the worried about? Had something happened in the past to make them so nervous? Also, some background on what a Bonga is and why the reader should be afraid of it would be helpful.

    The style you chose to tell the story in was very effective because it truly sounded like Martha was sitting in front of me to tell her story. But if she was reminiscing about all of the events, then I think the story should be told consistently in past tense.

    I was confused in the end about why Martha's brothers didn't recognize her and how Martha accusing her brothers of knowing about her mistreatment exacted revenge on them. Was the sister-in-law's mistreatment the reason that the brothers wanted their sister to live with them?

    Overall, I'm sorry to say that this story was hard for me to understand and connect with. I think you have the bare bones of a story and that with some work, you could improve it a lot! Of course, all of this is just my personal opinion. And I hope that my comments don't come off as rude because that is not my intention! I just wanted to be honest.

  6. Hi Jess!

    This is the first portfolio I’ve gotten to read this semester, so I was curious as to how these would compare to the storybook projects. Just like most of the storybooks, this was a fantastic story to read! I like how for the portfolios you can just write about a wide variety of topics and your two stories definitely cover a wide variety. The voice of the narrator in the story about Martha came through perfectly! You did an amazing job to portray someone who was dealing with the difficulties of providing for so many people and then even getting sold! I did not read the original version of this story but it sounds like you vastly improved it by adding a character name and giving her some emotion. The story definitely didn’t end how I expected but I think your author’s note does a great job of describing what her revenge actually was.

    In contrast, your story about the mouse was a very happy story to read. You did a great job of building in a lot of symbolism through your characters and their actions. My favorite part of writing from this story was all of the dialogue you used, which really helps bring a story to life.

    I realize I actually commented on 2 stories but I thought they were such a good contrast it would be good to include them both in my comments!
