Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Week 7 Famous Last Words

This week has been exceptionally enjoyable because I was able to really get into other people storybook assignments and portfolios. I have to say, there are some pretty exceptionally talented writers in this class. I am over here just feeling discombobulated and stuff, although I do feel as though I have a bit more of a direction. I really just want to do rewrites of biblical stories. I am not really sure why I feel this way, I just do. I am thinking of it as an adventure into what animals can I make into biblical stories, something worth looking into perhaps.

One thing I have realized during my writings is that I love using animals in my stories. I have not really figured out why, maybe it has something to do with Disney and their amazing ability to give animals human characteristics, but it is definitely something that I enjoy doing. I did experiment a little bit this week. I attempted to write a poem, but it was too short, then I partially wrote a diary entry, but it did not have the flow I wanted it to. However, I came up with this crazy idea of retelling a story though text-messaging/ instant-messaging format! I saw it in a book once a long time ago and thought it would be a great idea to use for this class. I have not tried it yet, but there is always time. I have actually been keeping a list of storytelling style I have come up with, or saw somewhere else, or enjoyed writing myself. I actually have quite a list going, although I do not think that I will be able to use all of them because a few of them do not quite meet the word count requirement. However, I will keep experimenting with new styles during my story writing.



  1. Jessica, I think that would be a great idea to do a story in text/instant messaging format! It would be different and unique; I have not seen anyone do that yet. I also like to use animals in my stories. I think animals are just versatile characters and there is a lot you can do with them. I also think that they are most appealing to readers because people love animals for the most part!

  2. Hi Jessica!

    I find myself writing my stories with animal protagonists a lot too, I think I like writing about these animal characters more than their human counterparts. Like you, I am not sure why though!

    Also, I think your idea of a story told through text message would be great! I think there is even a tech tip on D2L that has a link to a site to make fake text messages.
