Monday, October 6, 2014

Week 8 Famous Last Words


I am so pumped about OU/TX this weekend! It is going to be so much fun and hopefully we actually win. Okay, okay… yes I am still harboring a grudge about our loss to TCU this past weekend, which should not have happened let me tell you! But I think that we are in it to win it for the rest of the season, hopefully. My favorite part about OU/TX is the fact that my father went to UT. It is probably the only time of the season when our love and passion for football really comes out! We attempt to keep it friendly and civilized but what can I say, we love our teams and we love to win. Last year I actually went with my parents (they are the coolest and most fun people to watch football with, don’t judge) and it was hilarious! I sat with my friends for the game on the OU side while my parents sat on the UT side. I met up with them after the game and I could hear my dad whistling “Texas Fight” before I could see him. When we finally did meet up, the man was so happy he started saying “BEER FOR EVERYONE!!” Obviously we did not buy beer for everyone, but it was just so much fun how happy he was… but that does not mean I want to see him that happy for this weeks game! Not even a little. I’m hoping they are all boo hoo –ing.

Beat the Hell out of Texas! (Source)
In other Jess related news, I have been having more and more people tell me that I remind them of Jessica Day from “New Girl.” I am thinking that it is just the name but I am actually very much of a silly person (when you get to know me). Just for funzies, last weekend my roommate and I decided that we would have a bouncing party on the couches in our living room and then ran around our kitchen island. It was a good time! We have also started cork wars! I have no idea how this came to be but we like to try to hit each other with wine corks from across the room. It turn into a while running/chasing thing, with strange hiding ideas involved. Fun and painless way to have a battle. 


  1. It'd be hard not to hold a grudge about our loss to TCU so I totally feel you there! I think it's so fun that you and your family get so competitive about football! It definitely is a big game and the fact that your dad went to UT adds fuel to the fire I'm sure. I hope you have a great time at the game and (obviously) I hope OU wins this time around! Boomer Sooner!!

  2. Losing to TCU hurt, but it wasn't necessarily a bad thing in the grand scheme of things. They still have to face Baylor, just as we still do but we get them in Norman. Just 1 question: Did you finish the wine before the cork war?

  3. I definitely share your feelings for our unfortunate loss to TCU. However, I am also extremely excited for the OU/TX game. My friends and I went to the game last year so I am hoping we redeem ourselves this weekend. That's so awesome that you remind people of Jessica Day from New Girl. I love that show, especially Zoe Deschanel! I may have to get my roommates to try this "cork war" (hahaha).

  4. Hi Jessica! I really enjoyed reading your famous last words this week! I agree that we should not have lost to TCU and also that we are going to SO win this weekend against Texas. Why? Because we are awesome! Your dad sounds like a really fun guy, but I too hope that he is going home disappointed this weekend. I wish I was going to the game this weekend, but unfortunately I'm not this year! But anyways have fun this weekend :)

  5. Hi Jess, I think we are all excited about the OU/TX game this weekend. I also think it’s pretty cool that your dad went to UT and you obviously the University of Oklahoma. I can imagine the rivalry in your family. But hey it sets the mood and it is definitely entertaining. Yes! I think we are definitely in it for the long run. We will see how this weekend goes.

  6. While I do not have a parent who attended UT, my mother attended OSU. I have to admit that it was difficult for her to see her child attend her alma mater's state rival, but I believe she's adjusted well enough over the past three years. As for the TCU game, it truly is a shame. I had so much hope that we'd pull through, but alas, it didn't work out.
