Thursday, October 30, 2014

Week 11 Essay: Rhyme Here, Rhyme There

This week I chose to write over the Nursery Rhymes for the week. What I found difficult was that I had so much liberty with retelling nursery rhymes. There is so much that can be said about them and the hardest part was that I could not pick just one to write about. Events do not just occurs, it is a series of events that lead things to happen, a cause and effect as they say. While reading through the nursery rhymes I could not help but think of the nursery rhyme Jack and Jill. For some reason that seems to be the nursery rhyme that has been imprinted the most in my mind, probably because of the morbidity of it. This is not to say that Humpty Dumpty is not morbid, but the concept of an egg cracking is so normal and such an every day task that it us not concerning. Jack breaking his skull open, however, that grabs my attention. There has always been a morbid curiosity about me. The dark side of man is so much more interesting than the good because it is what drives the dark that sparks my interest. It could very well be the medical side of me that draws my attention to Jack’s injury, but who knows? What really sparked my interest in writing this story was the big question: what caused Jack to fall down that hill? He could not have just decided to jump off of it, something had to cause him to fall and hurt himself. And because Jill did not hurt herself, and she also came after him, I knew that she was probably running down there to help him. So, what caused Jack to fall down that hill? There could have been several reasons, he could have been spooked by Little Bo Peeps missing sheep for instance, but I chose to have him pushed by Little Miss Muffet, It was an interesting challenge to say the least, and most enjoyable. 

Nursery Rhymes (Source)

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